
Archive for February 26th, 2011

As a voracious reader since childhood, I have always been acutely aware of the profound effect of books and the written word.  Pictures, not quite as much.  There was the cliche, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  Seriously…1,000 words?  That’s a lot of words.  However, as I grow older (I said “older,” not “old”), I have become more attuned to ALL my senses.  I prefer to think I have a heightened awareness to life.  I take increased delight in photos that stir memories, scents that transport me more soundly than a time machine…and music.  Ah, music.

 Music has become a way for my spirit to wing its way to another day and time…and sometimes just to savor and embellish the here and now.  A song doesn’t even have to have a deep underlying meaning.  Sometimes it’s just fixing a certain time/day/era that’s meaningful in and of itself.

 One such song is It’s My Turn, sung by Diana Ross.  I love that song!  The irony is I loved the movie as well, although it has taken some hard knocks by reviewers.  Art is so subjective!  I want a DVD copy of that movie sooooo badly, but it doesn’t exist.  I don’t understand why.  It would sell at least ONE copy…to me <g>.  If anyone ever comes across a copy, please let me know.

 It’s My Turn captivated me when it was released in 1980.  I can’t even tell you why.  I went to the movies alone, it held no attachment to anything going on in my life at the time, and yet I fell in love with the character-driven movie…AND THE SONG.    That’s the beauty of music.  Did I like the movie for the music or the music because of the movie?  Who knows.  It doesn’t matter WHY.  I just know I came away from that movie enchanted for all time for some reason. 

Fast forward to 2011.  It’s My Turn, the song, is still a favorite of mine and I listen to it whenever I feel like it…just because it makes me feel good.

Do you have songs that create a mood for you or take you away to last week, last year, or another lifetime?  What songs are YOUR personal time machines?

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